Space Planning

In most offices at any one time 25% of space is unused. Substantial savings can be made if this space is released.

CBD Projects can carry out a space optimisation planning program, preparing cost and space savings along with budget costs.

The costs in eradicating under used office space could be covered by the savings made in the first year.

SELECTING A NEW SPACE - we offer the following services:

Feasibility Study to help you decide how much office space you really need, for now and in the future. This will include an average square meter per person, storage space, copy areas, reception, meeting rooms, breakout areas and new ways of working.

Building Appraisals to help you decide which space is more cost-effective. We can look at your shortlisted buildings to help you decide which one is right for you.

Concept Drawings, blocking & stacking, 3D walkthroughs and test fit drawings so you can know exactly what your new office will look like before you start on site.

Office Furniture with extensive knowledge of current ranges our designers can suggest a furniture plan tailored to your budget, corporate image and staff requirements.

Building Services to make sure your air-conditioning, lighting, power and data requirements all work in conjunction with your space plan. If your proposed office has a raised floor it makes running cables to individual workstations easy, which allows more flexibility with your office layout. If not, you must space plan your workstations with access to a wall or ceiling with power and data.

Legal Requirements all works are designed and completed to the current BCA Building Code of Australia, plus they achieve occupation certification to meet Part 4A of the environmental planning and assessment act 1979. With CBD Projects you don’t have to worry about these legalities, as fitout specialists we make sure your space plan is legally compliant.

Future Growth & Flexibility your space plan needs to be flexible to allow for your business growth, new ways of working and optimizing the best use of natural light.

Contact Robert on 0414 654 431 or email [email protected]