
An Office Refurbishment can free up space you never knew you had. It will spare you the cost and upheaval of moving. No changes of address to worry about, no chance of losing any staff who can’t make the commute to your new office.

Our office refurbishment service includes:

  • Office design & space planning
  • Construction documentation
  • Interior construction
  • Electrical, data and communications installations
  • Office furniture specification and installation
  • Air conditioning, plumbing and fire services installations
  • Compliance management, retrofitting
  • After care - churn service
  • Health and Safety

Minimise Moves


Although it is often unavoidable and can complicate the planning stage, and possibly extend the work program, it’s worth considering how to minimise the moves each individual will have to make. It's a clear way to minimise the fallout from moving individual possessions and equipment to move somebody once instead of twice. Utilising swing space effectively can help to achieve this.

Managing this complicated process is greatly aided by experience. Over 25 years we have built a team with the right experience to deliver the project & peace of mind you need.

Contact Robert on 0414 654 431 or email [email protected]